For a business to succeed, it has to recruit, hire, and retain talented people who consistently bring value to the organization and to its customers. The more value you bring with you to your job, the more valuable you are to your employer. Not only will you command a higher salary and be given better opportunities to progress than your co-workers, but when times get tough, your employer will do everything possible to ensure that your position is protected.
In her book, The Reality-Based Rules of the Workplace, business consultant, author, and trainer Cy Wakeman provides a questionnaire that you can use to quickly and easily rate the value that you bring to your organization.
And, whether you’re a front-line worker—or the CEO—you need to be adding value to your business. Says Wakeman, “That’s why simply meeting expectations is not enough if you want to get ahead. At times when there isn’t enough to go around, it becomes all the more important to be a low-drama, high-value player.”
Consider each of the questions that follows honestly, and give yourself a score of from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest). Remember to rate your performance as it actually is today—not what you wish it was.
Am I consistent in my attendance, my work, and my results?
Am I improving each year?
Am I moving forward with purpose and not resting on my past accomplishments?
Am I spending most of my time at work with top performers?
Have I recently added to my job description on my own initiative?
Do I set goals for myself beyond the ones my supervisor sets?
Do I regularly ask for feedback on my performance from my boss and my peers?
Does my performance compare favorably with my peers?
Do I collaborate well with others and have good professional relationships?
Now, add up your score.
How did you do? The lowest possible score is a 9, and the highest is 45. The closer your score is to 45, the more valuable you are to your organization.
Do you see gaps in your performance—certain questions where you scored lower than the others? If so, you can use these results to create a roadmap for improvement. For example, if you rated yourself only a two for Question 6, then you know that you should put some extra effort into setting goals for yourself beyond those your boss sets.
You have the power to increase the value you bring to your organization—use it!