You can get a lot done in 15 minutes. Don’t believe me? That’s how long it takes to go on a quick coffee run, have a conversation with the person next to you, or write and rewrite that one tweet so it’s just right—it’s possible that you take more time just showering each morning.
Even if you’re slammed, odds are you’ve taken a total of 15 minutes (if not many more) to check Facebook and Instagram every day this week. So rather than doing that today, why not try out something that can actually help you in your job.
Bonus: If you’re currently procrastinating, you can be productive while you do it.
1. You Can Work Out
If you’ve been sitting in one place for way too long, getting up and moving around will make you feel much better and more productive. In fact, you can try squeezing in a quick workout break—without even leaving your desk.
2. You Can Try Out a Unique To-Do List Strategy
Feel like your to-do list is never-ending? Rethink your approach and plan out your week ahead of time in terms of emotional goals. These will remind you to feel better with each accomplishment.
3. You Can Respond to Emails
These awesome email templates will help you knock out a few annoying responses faster than you thought possible.
4. You Can Give Your Brain Some Exercise
Writing, whether that’s recording your stream-of-consciousness, jotting down ideas, or planning the next day’s to-do list, is always a quick and helpful way to get ahead. Fun fact: Keeping a journal where you include everything can do wonders for your career.
5. You Can Meditate
A guided meditation app will give you some peace of mind to tackle the rest of your day. And that sounds great, doesn’t it?
6. You Can Catch Up on the News
It’s never a bad idea to take a moment to get informed about the latest news—and quickly—using different apps, sites, or newsletters is just a click away on your phone.
7. You Can Update Your Resume
Spending a few minutes to dust off and update your resume might not feel necessary, but trust me: It beats having to add all your new information at once when you actually need it handy.
8. You Can Sign Up for a Class
Remember telling yourself you’d sign up for that one class once you have a second? Well, this is your chance: It doesn’t take long at all to enroll in a professional development class.
9. You Can Do a Random Act of Kindness
Random acts of kindness might not immediately sound like the most productive use of your energy, but they’re a great way to develop more meaningful relationships in the office. (Plus, they’ll go a long way the next time you need a favor.)