Whether it’s because of an ongoing (and difficult) client, an increased workload, or just simply monotony, we all go through periods of burnout at work from time to time. But the question is, how do you get out of a funk and bounce back before it really affects your job and overall happiness?
If you’re looking for some renewed motivation, these sources will totally be able to help.
- Never really thought about burnout before? This master post on what burnout is will give you an introduction. (Lifehacker)
- An important rule to remember: Not all burnout is created equal. By understanding the three major types, you can figure out how to tackle your specific case. (99U)
- Treating burnout with a quick vacation or day of laziness won’t make it go away; it’s all about pacing yourself. (The New York Times)
- A lot of burnout comes from employees doing the same thing day in and day out. To get out of this rut, try learning something new. (Forbes)
- At work, don’t be afraid to ask for a change in responsibilities. Limit the amount of things you can’t stand doing, take on other projects, and see what tasks you can swap out with other employees. (The Simple Dollar)
- Switching up your whole routine in general (including the people you talk to and the activities you do after work) can really help you overcome feelings of exhaustion and emotional distress. (Psychology Today)
- Feeling burnt out also may be a sign of a larger issue: You’re not doing what you love regularly. (Kent Nguyen)
- If you need some inspiration, take a look at how the most successful people avoid exhaustion. (Fast Company)
- Learn how to minimize the amount of time you’re working on things you don’t enjoy whatsoever. (The Daily Muse)