You might not be eight years old and trick-or-treating in a Batman costume anymore (or are you?), but it’s still fun to get dressed up, eat candy, and enjoy Halloween.
Of course, your office duties might be hindering you from getting to fully enjoy the holiday. Have no fear, though: There are still ways to celebrate Halloween no matter how late you’re stuck at work or how strict your office is.
- Want to wear a Halloween costume in the office? Biggest rule: Make sure it’s not offensive. This guide from Refinery29 will save you lots of embarrassment—and potentially a call from HR. (Refinery29)
- Be sure to run any Halloween festivity ideas by your boss before you dive in. Oh, and here’s how to get a yes on all those awesome ideas. (US News)
- Specifically, talk about how far outside the dress code you’re allowed to go, and what you can do without completely disrupting the workday. (Psych Central)
- While you shouldn’t (and can’t) demand that your colleagues participate in your holiday fun, by including them in the planning process, you could make them more open to joining in. (Chron)
- Not big into costumes? You can still decorate your desk or cubicle. (Brit + Co)
- If your office is super strict, you could at least pick out one of the 20 best Halloween candies to keep on your desk. (Thrillist)
- Another route to take if your office isn’t about festivities: Blast a great Halloween playlist—and put your headphones in. (Paste)
- Got approval to dress up at the last minute? Nothing brings co-workers closer together than throwing together really great group costumes. (The Daily Muse)