The new year is upon is, and it’s around this time when people start setting goals: goals for things they want to get done before 2015 as well as goals for things they want to accomplish after the ball drops.
Of course, goal setting is much easier said than done. Just look at the stats: Only 8% of people who set new year’s resolutions actually keep them for the year. So, how can you set yourself up for success no matter what your goals are?
To help out, we searched the web for tips and tricks to get your goal setting underway, so you’ll be helping make those stats a whole lot better.
- Let’s get real here: Setting goals means facing four ugly truths of wanting to accomplish something big. (Forbes)
- Setting a goal isn’t about the goal itself; it’s about the structure you create to help yourself succeed. (Fast Company)
- Another important point to keep in mind: Not all goals are created equal, and it’s totally fine to have “sub-goals” for each of your bigger goals. (James Clear)
- Don’t forget that goals are only great if there’s something challenging about them. (Business Insider)
- Let’s talk science: There are actually neurological reasons for why setting goals is hard. Master these and you’ll succeed at whatever you want to do. (Lifehack)
- You can also flip the whole idea of goal setting on its head and try something different: Go for small wins. (Psychology Today)
- If setting a single goal freaks you out (after all, what if you fail at it?), try looking at fixing systems instead. (Entrepreneur)
- Another great way to set attainable goals and reach them? Create a hierarchy of goals. (Lifehacker)
Want more help setting goals? Check out our suggestions!