Have you ever been in a situation where you wished that you could quickly and easily become a little more confident? Maybe it was at your last big networking event, or maybe it’s whenever you have to get up and speak in front of a crowd.
Your prayers have been answered: We’ve searched the web for the best tips and tricks for boosting your confidence that little bit it needs—just in the knick of time.
- Start with this simple trick: Take two minutes each morning to visualize yourself performing to the best of your abilities before you head off to work. (Forbes)
- The secret to being more confident really could just be wearing more deodorant. Seriously. (Fast Company)
- Want to gain some confidence without leaving your cubicle? Try one of these desk-friendly postures. (Lifehacker)
- If you’re striving for perfection, we guarantee that it’s a confidence killer. (DailyWorth)
- Knocking on wood isn’t just a weird superstitious habit; it could actually make you feel more confident in a matter of seconds. (Oprah)
- As with any other problem, the first step to solving an issue with self-confidence is acceptance. (Inc.)
- Do you listen 10 times more than you speak? This is just one of many surprising habits that extremely confident people have. (LinkedIn)
- Overall though, try not to get too confident; there’s a fine line between believing too much or too little in yourself. It’s all about finding the right balance. (Psychology Today)
Want more help building your self-esteem? Check out our suggestions!