Do you dread going to work in the morning? Or feel like you’re staring at the clock all day just watching the minutes tick by?
Whatever the sign, if you don’t feel like you’re doing work you love anymore, it could be time for a career change. Before you throw caution to the wind and quit your job, though, you should do some careful thinking to make sure you’re making the right decision—and prepare yourself to make the transition as smooth as possible.
To help you out, we’ve gathered seven links that will get you thinking and get you planning. Good luck!
Once you’ve started considering that change, ask yourself these five questions to really decide if jumping ship is the right choice. (Katie Couric)
Make sure you have the right kind of skills for switching careers before cutting any current ties. (Lifehacker)
Steer clear of the five biggest mistakes that career changers make. (Huffington Post)
If you can answer these three questions, it’s a good idea to get those new career-gears turning. (Fast Company)
Consider working with a career coach for expert advice on what to do next. (WSJ)
Use these online career tools to figure out what you’re interested in for your next career. (Harvard Extension School)
Ultimately make sure you’re not falling into any of these traps that make you think you need to switch careers when you really don’t. (AOL Jobs)
Want more? Check out our great articles about career change!