Good news: Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to go to a shindig that has the term “networking” in the title to make a great professional contact. In fact, a lot of the best connections out there happen organically and don’t require as much time or effort (or small talk).
Looking for ways to meet new people ASAP? Take my challenge to do something every single night this week.
- Monday: No one feels like networking on a Monday, but there’s no need to even leave your computer screen. Make it your mission to write at least one insightful comment on a blog you follow and love. You never know who’ll respond. (Nathan Bransford)
- Tuesday: Spend time finding an upcoming volunteer opportunity. Not only will you get that warm and fuzzy feeling from doing good, but you’ll also be exposed to a whole new network of people and opportunities. (TheLadders)
- Wednesday: Take a break during the workday and join a Twitter chat. (Buffer)
- Thursday: Work up the courage to ask someone you admire to coffee. (99U)
- Friday: Friday is the fun day, right? Invite your co-workers to lunch and ask each person to bring someone from a different team who you don’t normally work with. It’s an awesome opportunity to see new faces mixed in with familiar ones. (Phoenix Business Journal)
- Saturday: Apparently, networking is out and sweatworking is in! Whether it’s walking or taking an intense spin class, exercising brings people together. Bonus: Who has time for small talk when you’re both out of breath, anyway? (Fast Company)
- Sunday: Want to network without leaving the comfort of your bed? Sign on to LinkedIn and find the perfect group. (The Daily Muse)