We are a pretty extraordinary generation in that we seek jobs that fulfill some philosophical part of us, whether that means helping people or making a difference in the world. Translation: We don’t want work to feel like work, and that’s a fairly modern concept. No longer do we focus solely on supporting our families or having a roof over our heads—we also want to find personal meaning and satisfaction in our work.
That being said, we’ve made the job search so much harder for ourselves because we are so picky.
So, how do you find a job that satisfies you? Even more importantly, how do you know what kind of position is meant for you? By keeping these six things in mind:
- Being confused about the job search is perfectly normal.
- Know yourself and what you like to do—no matter how silly it may seem.
- Think a lot, even if it takes a while to decide.
- Try it out before you decide it’s the right fit.
- Reflect on what makes people unhappy, and then maybe see it as a business opportunity.
- Be confident: “The difference between success and failure is the courage to actually give it a go.”
OK, so this sounds a bit cheesy. However, when discussed in this video (and in a soothing British accent), it starts to make a bit more sense why we find this process so frustrating. Let The School of Life explain.