As a self-proclaimed Instagram addict, I spend a lot of time popping onto the app when I need a little break in my day. But if you’ve spent any time on there, you know it’s easy to have a feed filled with selfies. No disrespect to the selfies, but it’s not exactly the inspiration I’m looking for when I step away from work.
Instead, try following some of these amazing accounts to step your feed up a notch. From stunning scenery to adorable animals, you’ll feel more inspired every time you check your phone.
To Give Your Mind a (Beautiful) Break
Next time you need to step away from it all, these breathtaking accounts are sure to help clear your head.
6. Dan Tom
7. palomaparrot
9. Tana Gandhi
10. howl_hemulen
To Get Some Inspiration for Your Company Account
In charge of running your company’s Instagram (or just think it needs a little love)? Get ideas from these brands that are seriously doing it right.
11. onefinestay
12. VSCO
13. NPR
14. WWF
15. Feature Shoot
16. charity: water
17. Madewell
19. gopro
20. Airbnb
To Kick That Sad Desk Salad to the Curb
Have lame lunches no more with the help of these-food filled accounts.
22. cahmun
23. foodstories
24. Tasting Table
26. food52
27. vsco_food
To Fill Your Day With Cute
Animals, that is. All of the adorable animals.
28. Maya_on_the_move
29. emonemon
30. ma_hovina
31. colonelmeow
32. Andrew Knapp
33. ifitwags
34. Mr. Smoosh
35. Tuna
36. Jeremy Veach
To Motivate Yourself to (Finally) Book That Summer Vacay
These Instagrammers travel the world—giving you all the FOMO you need to finally bite the bullet and book that vacation you’ve been talking about.
37. Trottermag
38. Adam Partridge
39. Theodore Kaye
40. Daniel Noll
41. mrwhisper
42. Marianne Hope
43. Kat Irlin
44. Adrienne Pitts
45. Carin Olsson
46. Palila
47. Sean Ryan Pierce
48. ourwildabandon
49. Michael J. Spear
To Get Even More Of Your Favorite Career Site
See what goes on behind the scenes at The Muse. It’ll be almost like you work with us—or, hey, you could!