It’s a well-known fact that business school is a good-time graduate school. The reason to go at all, some argue, is to network and make connections. It’s demonstrated in the many parties—formal, theme, holiday (and by holiday, we mean Halloween and any day when there are no classes)—and other social gathering (usually at night) that are planned throughout our time as students.
I arrived at business school knowing this, but also expecting that it would be a kind of personal renaissance, when I’d become a bona fide businesswoman. But after several miserable months of struggling with the material that others could do in their sleep, missing section nights out, declining invitations to go party in the big city, I realized I needed to find a better balance between work and social time.
So what kind of student are you, or did you hope to be? Check out our profiles below and tell us you fit into just one:
The Two-year Vacationer
Are you a former investment banker/management consultant who’s been working non-stop since you’ve been out of school…until now? Are you sponsored by your company? Do you refuse attend group meetings scheduled at night or on the weekends? Grades? ...pfff. Then you’re around for a two-year vacation, and not ashamed to admit it. Why should you be? You’ve worked 80-hour weeks and see the same for your future. Why not a couple of years of traveling and going to bed in the wee hours of the morning…by choice? Live it up!
The It’s-All-Business Schooler
Do you take more than the required course load? Do you do readings in the syllabus that aren’t required to complete hand-in assignments? Do you refrain from drinking on “school” nights? Is your favorite thing about business school meeting with professors about problem sets? Then you’re here for the learning. We commend you. Focusing on school is no easy feat at b-school. So you go on wit’ yo’ bad self.
The Power Drinker Luncher
Do you accept every breakfast/coffee/cocktail/lunch/dinner party/regular party invitation? Are you excited by the diversity of the student body? (No we don’t mean it that way.) Did you come to business school to build your network? School work probably isn’t as big of a deal for you? Then you’re here to make connections—and by the transitive property, this is a social time for you. Business school networks are large and diverse, so make sure to focus, and don’t forget to have fun.
Which type are you? Or are you somewhere in between? Let us know!