"We’ve got to get women to sit at the table."
So says Sheryl Sandberg in this now-famous TED Talk. Why do we have too few women leaders? In just 15 minutes, Sandberg eloquently addresses the issues that are precluding women—smart, competent women—from reaching the corner offices at companies in every industry. She acknowledges the difficulties inherent in being a working woman, one who wants to be liked as well as respected, one who wants to make time for a family as well as a job, and one who tends to underestimate herself and her own capabilities.
As professional young women, we want to sit at the table. We want to work inspired every day, and we want to keep innovating and thriving, both in our jobs and in our lives. Listen to Sandberg’s talk and weigh in: how can we, as Gen-Y women, reach the table and the top? How will you?