When you're different, sometimes you don't see the millions of people who accept you for what you are. All you notice is the person who doesn't.
Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are.
Until you value yourself, you won't value your time. Until you value your time, you will not do anything with it.
I used to be self-conscious about my height, but then I thought, f*** that, I'm Harry Potter.
Why should we worry about what others think of us, do we have more confidence in their opinions than we do our own?
You are very powerful, provided you know how powerful you are.
I was always looking outside myself for strength and confidence, but it comes from within. It is there all the time.
Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life believing that it is stupid.
I think everybody's weird. We should all celebrate our individuality and not be embarrassed or ashamed of it.
Rock bottom became the solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life.
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
Someone's opinion of you does not have to become your reality.
It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.
It is never too late to be what you might have been.
A healthy self-love means we have no compulsion to justify to ourselves or others why we take vacations, why we sleep late, why we buy new shoes, why we spoil ourselves from time to time. We feel comfortable doing things which add quality and beauty to life.
When the grass looks greener on the other side of the fence, it may be that they take better care of it there.
I was once afraid of people saying, 'Who does she think she is?' Now I have the courage to stand and say, 'This is who I am.'
There is nothing more beautiful than seeing a person being themselves. Imagine going through your day being unapologetically you.
I wish I could show you, When you are lonely or in darkness, The astonishing light of your own being.
You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.