There’s just so much to think about when you start a new job. For starters, you’re probably asking yourself questions like: How do I prove that I’m competent? How do I go about making work friends? Or even, did I make the right choice?
While the second two concerns lessen with time, the first question, arguably the most important—How do I prove that I’m competent?—can be linked to communication. It’s hard to show that you know what’s going on when you don’t understand some of the work lingo being thrown around.
Look, I’ll admit that during my first week at a new job I filled three notebook pages with acronyms and jargon I needed to decode later on.
But now, thanks to The Financial Diet, you won’t be stuck filling out notebooks like I did. They put together a round-up of the 24 buzzwords you need to know to kill it in your first few weeks.
The only thing you need to do now is press play.