Sure, you’ve read article after article about the benefits of journaling, or how writing daily makes you happier and better at your job. Your friends swear by it, and so does your idol/hero/favorite entrepreneur.
And yet you haven’t tried it, not even once.
I know your problem—you don’t have the perfect journal to help you get started (Bingo!). Well, you’re in luck, because I have 18 great ones right here.
1. Oh Snap Leather Journal, $24
Classy and convenient—it has a mini pocket and a pencil holder!
Simple, sleak, and did I mention super cheap?
The only time you’re allowed to steal.
4. 642 Tiny Things to Draw Journal, $10
If you’re a more visual person, you won’t run out of drawing ideas with this notebook.
5. Stitch and Sketch Journal, $10
For those who like to get crafty, pick the option that lets you write your thoughts and knit them.
6. Wreck This Journal by Keri Smith, $10
The description says it all: “[A] subversive illustrated book that challenges readers to muster up their best mistake- and mess-making abilities to fill the pages of the book—or destroy them.”
Your daily reminder that yes, you are awesome.
Because journaling shouldn’t be a big feat—start with just one page a day and see how easy it can be!
For those who need an extra boost to get started on anything.
10. Q&A a Day, $12
Some people use journals to track their thoughts and concerns throughout the year. If that’s you, this book is perfect for you—you’ll answer a random question a day, and over five years you’ll compile a whole lot of fascinating intel into yourself.
11. Personal Space Journal, $12
For the spacey and the introverted.
This little book understands that getting older can be just as terrifying as it is exciting. It’ll hold both of these kinds of thoughts safely.
13. Black and White Marble Journal, $15
This (literally) edgy journal is perfect for the modern writer.
14. “Evil Plans” Bullet Journal, $19
To scare away all those sneaky spies.
15. Holy Sh*t Balls Journal, $6
Who says journaling can’t give you a laugh?
16. Rainbow Leather Wrap Journal, $25
Add a little color to your life—and your ideas.
17. Bucket List Journal: Minimalist, $25
If you’re not sure what to write about, how about making a bucket list? This easy-to-use pick should do the trick. (And help you actually complete your goals!)
18. Happiness Planner, $30
Or, how about tracking your happiness and practicing gratitude? Journaling about it could do you a ton of good, no matter where you are in life.
Now there’s no excuse to not give it a go.
What’s your journal of choice? Let me know on Twitter!