We know, we know—you’re probably over the Hunger Games hype by now. But the recent release of the Katniss Barbie doll got us thinking about Barbie’s history—the other inspiring women she’s emulated, and the many, many careers she’s had (130, to be exact).
And sure, there were some low points (McDonald’s Barbie?)—but Barbie has also been ahead of her time, with career choices that are empowering little girls everywhere.
1. Fashion Editor (1960)
Anna Wintour meets Mad Men.
2. Executive (1963)
We’re not quite sure that this hat was ever appropriate workplace attire, but we’ll take it—she’s certainly better than the 1960s talking Barbies, who could say “Let’s go shopping!”
3. Astronaut (1965)
Barbie went to space four years before man walked on the moon! Take that, Neil Armstrong!
4. Surgeon (1973)
Barbie, MD. We love it—except, um, where are her pants?
5. Day to Night Barbie (1984)
The lead Barbie for the “We Girls Can Do Anything, Right Barbie?” campaign works all day, then parties with Ken at night, thanks to a secret “change around” outfit. Wouldn’t that be nice? (And yes, you have to watch the video, but we promise: It's amazing.)
6. Veterinarian (1985)
A great career pick in the decade of diner waitress Barbie and aerobics instructor Barbie. And look—she’s wearing pants!
7. Naval Petty Officer (1991)
Barbie in the military—and she cut her hair for the occasion!
8. Business Executive (1992)
Barbie, shattering the glass ceiling. Or, at least she could be if she wasn’t wearing a bubble gum pink suit.
9. Presidential Candidate (1992)
Barbie was running long before Hillz.
10. US Air Force Thunderbird Squadron Leader (1994)
Of course she has to come with a matching suitcase.
11. Dentist (1997)
Another medical career path, another set of missing pants.
12. CEO Barbie (1999)
We’re thinking this must be around the same time as Ally Mc Beal—she even has an embedded computer chip that allows her to talk. Oh and her suit converts to a red party dress for after work festivities!
13. Producer (2003)
So edgy.
14. Presidential Candidate (2004)
Barbie runs again! And talk about a power suit.
15. Computer Engineering Barbie (2010)
She’s come a long way from when she was programmed to say, “Math class is tough.”
16. Architect (2011)
How fab—now she can design her own Dream House!
17. Barbie for President (2012)
The fourth presidential Barbie candidate, but the first one ever who can stand on her own two feet—literally! Plus, she’s all over the news and has her own campaign page!