Sometimes, you just need a small boost of motivation to get past those ruts in your day. So small, in fact, that 140 characters might just do the trick!
We’ve curated a list of recent motivational tweets from career experts to help inspire you. Whether you’re struggling to get started on your to-do list or panicking about your next career move, we’ve got your back. (Or, I should say, Twitter does.)
"I am in charge of how I feel and today I am choosing HAPPINESS" http://t.co/49Mrfglwfb
— Ashley Stahl (@Ash_Stahl) July 4, 2015
By trying — especially when nobody else is willing or able to act — you become an inspiration to others. http://t.co/ypMS4GM0gR
— Jo Miller (@Jo_Miller) July 18, 2015
#1 way to reduce stress: Stop using the phrase “I’m so busy.” Say you’re crazed, and you’ll feel crazed. #lifehack #stressmanagement
— Kate White (@katemwhite) July 16, 2015
"Your success belongs to all of the people who are inspired by the contagiousness of it" #lovethis #lisanichols
— Maxie McCoy (@MaxieMcCoy) July 1, 2015
Take risks and begin to broaden your comfort zone for improved confidence. #TopTips #SussexHour http://t.co/qtqs2pvfeq
— Andrew Spence (@Andrew_Spence) July 16, 2015
Success is not about competition; it's about contribution. The biggest winners are those who help others win.
— Adam Grant (@AdamMGrant) July 20, 2015
Raise ur hand if you've ever been punished for being yourself? Now, raise your hand if u are going to let that stop you. NO WAY #fearless
— Lauren Berger (@InternQueen) July 15, 2015
Tell your story, showcase your most relevant achievements & tie your background 2 the job, have confidence, be yourself, you GOT this! #jobs
— John Patrick (@JPCareerCoach) April 30, 2015
Surround yourself w/ recruiting champions: contacts on the inside to follow up w/ key people who should respond to you/move things along...
— Vicki Salemi (@vickisalemi) July 16, 2015
Self-doubt & fear will render you stagnant, while a strong belief in your talent will motivate you as you courageously follow your dreams.
— Jonathan Alpert (@JonathanAlpert) July 2, 2015
#CareerTip: Sometimes it takes a really bad job situation to prompt a change. Use this time to reevaluate your career goals. #AskAmanda
— Amanda Augustine (@JobSearchAmanda) July 20, 2015
It takes a while to connect the dots but you have to make the dots in order to connect them.
— Dan Schawbel (@DanSchawbel) May 30, 2015
"Believe in yourself. If you don't, then no one else will have a reason to." #InvestInYourself pic.twitter.com/l34TuZJJEx
— Ellevate Network (@EllevateNtwk) July 18, 2015
Your relationships w/ the people you are working with are going to impact your opportunity & experience at a job more than any other factor.
— Nicole Williams (@thegirlontop) July 13, 2015
#career #motivation: "Vision without action is just a dream, Vision with action can change the world" -Joel Barker
— Mark McCurdy (@careers4purpose) June 15, 2015