Great news! Your search for the perfect group Halloween costume for the office is over. We’ve searched the internet high and low and compiled a list of more than 14 choices that you’re going to love. Not only are they perfect group costumes, and not only are they unique, but you can throw them together with stuff you have laying around at home. (OK, fine, you might have to run out and buy some supplies. And by “run out,” I obviously mean use Amazon Prime.)
Was that your wallet I just heard say, “Thank you!” (If so, you’re very welcome.)
And, as an added bonus, to show you just how easy they are to put together, The Muse team modeled a few of the choices below. Within 24 hours, our team pulled together these outfits from their very own closets. Trust me, you have more costume items than you can even imagine sitting in your dresser right now.
1. Jellyfish
GIF courtesy of The Muse team
2. Emojis
Photo courtesy of @srdav
3. Dominos
Photo courtesy of @SarahBrockmeyer
4. The New York Stock Exchange
Photo courtesy of The Muse team
5. Tourists
Photo courtesy of @ehddiiee
6. Cat Ladies
Photo courtesy of @DevonBall11
Photo courtesy of @DevonBall11
8. Zookeeper and Her Animals
Photo courtesy of The Muse team
Photo courtesy of @dmopray
10. #TBT
Photo courtesy of The Muse team
11. Nail Polish
Photo courtesy of @insta_kels_
12. French Kiss
Photo courtesy of The Muse team
13. Minions
Photo courtesy of @sarahsawiak
Photo courtesy of @TheFBI88
Need more ideas? Try: Twister, a ceiling fan, three blind mice, 101 dalmatians, the cast of Peanuts, M&Ms, the Barden Bellas, Shark Week, social media platforms, stick figures, Taco Bell sauces, or a bunch of grapes.
Have more ideas that would be perfect? Tweet me and let me know!