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Advice / Succeeding at Work / Productivity

11 Ways You Can Adjust Your Morning Routine to Make it Less Painful

Do you consider yourself the exact opposite of a morning person? If it takes hitting snooze seven times or being dragged out of bed to get you going, chances are you need to find better ways to start your day on a positive note.

That’s why we scoured the internet—and found 11 energizing, productive, or healthy new strategies to super charge your day.

  1. Turns out drinking coffee first thing when you wake up is a mistake—among other popular morning habits. (The Huffington Post)

  2. Find the alarm clock to be a rude awakening each morning? Practice waking up naturally instead. (

  3. A peaceful and positive way to get going is by practicing meditation, which has a ripple effect that can improve other parts of your day. (mindbodygreen)

  4. If you’ve been meaning to schedule in some exercise during the week, try working out earlier rather than later for awesome results. (Bodybuilding)

  5. Something as simple as finding the right healthy breakfast options for you can be a total game changer. (Greatist)

  6. Need a more specific schedule to follow through? Matthew Toren of Entrepreneur breaks down each minute of an entrepreneurial morning routine. (Entrepreneur)

  7. You can always find inspiration by reading what successful female leaders do to get a head start each day. (Forbes)

  8. Always bring the same disappointing lunch to work? Make something easy ahead of time to save yourself the trouble. (The Kitchn)

  9. You can start small (and still reap huge benefits) by just drinking a lot of water as soon as you wake up. (A Life of Productivity)

  10. Take advice from Mark Twain by “eating a frog” every morning—that is, getting your hardest task out of the way first. (Fast Company)

  11. Finally, if none of the options above stuck out to you, here are 16 more ways to start your day off right. (The Daily Muse)

Photo of person in kitchen courtesy of Hero Images/Getty Images.