Taking that first step toward a career change is an exhilarating moment. That is, for five minutes, until you realize you don’t know what you’re doing, where you’re going, or how to even start.
But this kind of transition doesn’t happen overnight, and you can’t be expected to have it all figured out right away.
So, to help you get on your feet and go after your dream, one step at a time, here are 11 great resources that’ll cover everything you need to switch industries, develop new skills, interview for a field in which you have no experience, or just consider other options.
Know you want a change, but don’t know exactly what? Picking up a side gig is a great way to dip your toes in and see if you like what you’re doing—if these people can do it on top of their full-time jobs, so can you!
Or, maybe you do know what, but you aren’t sure where to start. Time to go to the experts who have been there, done that, and have a ton of great advice.
If a big decision, such as grad school or starting your own business, terrifies you (or is financially out of the question), here are four less scary alternatives you can absolutely consider.
And if a complete switch is just out of the question, there are also ways you can move within your own industry and still experience positive results.
A tip? Think of this transition as a “pivot point.” This simple mindset alteration will further motivate you to break out of that career rut you’re stuck in.
Way more than a few years out of school? It’s never too late to start over. Here’s the perfect (and realistic) guide to changing careers when you’re older.
Don’t have any traditional experience in your dream field? This doesn’t mean you can’t still apply—there are plenty of ways you can highlight transferable skills on your resume.
And if you’re really not sure what to put down on your application, try focusing on other experiences that shaped who you are today.
The hardest part about this process can be the interview where you have to explain your switch—so show the hiring manager your value and spin the conversation in your favor.
Feeling completely overwhelmed? Talk to a career coach who can help walk you through this process and make it feel way less intimidating.
Finally, to give you some inspiration, here are six high-paying jobs that are perfect for people in your same position!