Ever notice how popular LinkedIn posts have been lately? Sometimes, it feels like you can’t go anywhere online without running into a former co-worker’s think piece. And while part of you wants to jump in, part of you is hesitating.
I get it: Writing can be hard, especially when you’re doing it so publicly. But publishing on LinkedIn Pulse will be more than worth it for your career—and you don’t even have to commit to doing it all the time. That’s why I rounded up 10 links that’ll make getting started as easy as possible.
Not sure what LinkedIn Pulse is? Here’s everything you need to know about the basics, and what other people are doing to get ahead. (Social Media Explorer)
And if this is your first time with an online publishing system, don’t worry. It’s more straight forward than you think. (HubSpot)
Not really understanding the point of the hype? I’ll put it this way: It’s an easy way to boost your professional reputation and get your name out there.
But before you start posting whatever you want, I’d recommend reading up on some of the common perks and pitfalls people make when posting. (Forbes)
Plus, LinkedIn Pulse isn’t as much of a time commitment as normal blogging is—the platform is made to be easy, so you don’t spend forever on the details. It’s the perfect solution. (Vertical Response)
Want to get into long-form blogging? It can be intimidating at first, but it’s a sure-fire way to establish yourself as an expert. (ProBlogger)
Want to try it out, but don’t know what to even write about? Here are some tips and tricks to writing words people will actually want to click on. (LinkedIn)
Keep in mind, there’s also been some pushback—and it can be helpful to know how other people are suspicious of the value of what gets published there. (Observer)
And remember, it’s not just about getting yourself noticed. Anyone can write anything on the platform. What you really want to do is only share the meaningful stuff—so your network knows you’re a valuable resource. (Contently)
Ready to get started? Here’s your [LinkedIn Pulse plan]https://www.themuse.com/advice/how-to-write-a-linkedin-article-if-youre-not-a-writer-and-still-sound-credible()( that makes it so easy. (The Muse)