If you’re reading this, chances are you’re finally getting out of an unhealthy work environment or escaping a workplace bully. Good for you! You deserve to work with someone who treats you well.
That said, you certainly don’t want to make the same mistake again and end up working under someone who’s just as bad (or worse) than the last manager you had. As you’re job searching, make sure you ask these 10 crucial interview questions to get to the bottom of what it would be like to report to your potential new boss.
If the Interviewer Is Your Potential Boss
1. How Would You Describe Your Ideal Employee?
Whatever they say, take it to heart and make sure you genuinely fit into what they’re looking for—if you don’t, that’s a giveaway you won’t get along or enjoy working with them.
2. How Do You Like to Give Constructive Criticism?
Make sure they actually do give their team feedback (you don’t want to work somewhere where you’ll never learn and improve) but also express care and concern when doing so.
The point of giving it is not only to help make their job easier (less oversight needed), but also to help you grow. So if they respond with, “Calling people out in front of the whole company to teach them a lesson?” Definitely a red flag.
3. What’s the Process for Reviewing and Evaluating Employees?
Related to the one above: Is there a proper employee review cycle in place? Does it seem like they regularly evaluate and course-correct employee performance? And, do they seem to care about helping employees set and achieve their career goals?
4. How Long Has Your Current Team Been in Place?
Search their answer for any signs of high turnover or conflict. Were there legitimate reasons why their team has shifted? Do they avoid bringing up specifics?
5. How Would Your Direct Reports Describe Your Management Style?
This is a self-awareness test for your interviewer. They should be able to show that their direct reports feel properly managed without sounding egotistical or disengaged.
6. Who Are Your Leadership Role Models?
And ask them why they chose those people—this gives you a sense of what leadership tactics they respect and want to emulate.
7. How Does Your Team Unwind After a Stressful Period or Celebrate a Success?
This is a great way to get a sense of how they value work-life balance and how they acknowledge their team’s accomplishments. They should have some response to this.
If the Interviewer Works With Your Potential Boss
8. What’s [Boss’ Name]’s Management Style Like?
Look for hidden clues here. Do they sound supportive but not a micromanager? Respectful but motivating? And, does the person you’re speaking with seem to like their management style?
9. What’s Your Favorite Part of Working With [Boss’ Name]?
Do they brag about how awesome it is to work with so-and-so, or is their response vague and unimpressive? Take note.
10. How Would You Describe the Team Culture?
Some things you might look out for include how people work together and communicate, how your potential boss is involved in that culture, and how people get along both inside and outside the office.
Two other factors come into play here.
One is body language and nonverbal cues—pay attention to how people respond to your questions and if they seem turned off by them. A long pause can say wonders.
And the other is your own standards and values. I could easily say that X or Y response is a definite no, but at the end of the day everyone is looking for a different kind of work environment and manager.
So, before you enter any interview, make sure you’re clear on what you want in a boss so you can properly assess whether the person you’re interviewing fits the mold. If you’re not sure, think about what qualities you admire in other leaders, past bosses, and mentors (and which ones you don’t).
Finally, if you do smell something fishy during your interview process, consider reaching out to former employees or people in your network who work with or know of this person and ask for their off-the-record opinion.
It can feel awkward, but remember: You’ll have to work with this person every day, five days a week. So the more you know, the more informed your decision will be.