Until recently, academic conferences and professional meetings were the main venue for grad students to meet new peers, reach out to potential mentors, and keep tabs on advances in their fields.
But now, more and more students are turning to Twitter for those networking opportunities. Participating in regularly scheduled Twitter chats can help you learn the tricks of your trade, connect with colleagues who share your interests, and begin to build a name for yourself within your field.
Want to get started? Follow these chats and connect with students, professors, and professionals who are talking about the topics you care about most. And don’t be shy—a great conversation is what Twitter is all about!
1. #gradchat
No matter what degree you’re pursuing, #gradchat is your one-stop shop for all things graduate education—funding sources, research methods, writing workshops, you name it. Join in on this chat any day, at any hour.
2. #jobhuntchat
If you’re starting your job hunt, join this Twitter chat every Monday at 10 PM ET—you’ll get inspiration from and share search strategies with other graduating students.
3. #medschool
Future MDs, this one is for you—whether you need to vent, strategize, study, or learn. It’s an informal chat that takes place at all hours, and covers a variety of topics, from dealing with stress to applying to residency.
4. #mbachat
Are you an MBA student? Join in and learn how to thrive in business school on the second Wednesday of the month at 1 PM ET.
5. #phdchat
If you’re pursuing (or considering) a doctorate, check out this chat to commiserate with other students or learn from their experiences. The official chat time is Wednesdays at 2 PM ET, but you’ll find tweets throughout the week.
6. #pubhealth
This chat is great for connecting with public health officials and practitioners. Join the conversation—anytime, anywhere—or just watch and learn about the most pressing health issues across the globe. Similar discussions can also be found at #publichealth.
7. #highered
If you’re looking to stay in the higher education world, check out this chat for current and aspiring academics and administrators. #higheredlive, #higheredchat, and #helivechat are also relevant.
8. #stemcareers
Going into science, technology, engineering, or mathematics? Use this chat to connect with other students who are doing the same and practitioners in your field of interest. Join in anytime—this chat doesn’t have a scheduled date or time.
Looking to launch a small business after graduation? Check out this chat on Wednesdays at 8 PM ET to discuss your plans and learn from others who are starting up.
10. #edchat
Are you an aspiring teacher? If so, this chat (active every Tuesday) is a great forum for everything from curriculum assessment to project-based learning. Consider checking out #teachchat, #educoach, and #edtech as well.
Any other grad school-related Twitter chats you think should be on the list? Comment below and let us know.