Being a new manager comes with tons of excitement—and tons of nervousness. Maybe you’re immediately thrown into your new role with no guidelines, or maybe you did get guidance, but it wasn’t enough.
Regardless, you shouldn’t have to go it alone. Which is why we’ve compiled the best online classes for bosses who are feeling a little bit lost, from becoming a motivational coach to managing your freshly-packed schedule to leading a successful (and short!) meeting.
Trust us, you’ve got this.
Learn from management experts: No matter how new you are to the job—this course has got you covered, from personal development to communication skills to managing a group versus individuals.
Cost: $19
Length: 2.5 hours/ 27 lectures
2. First Lead Yourself, Udemy
Even if you’re ready to oversee other people, are you ready to manage yourself and your new routine? This class will cover all those other necessities, like managing your time and maintaining a professional attitude in any situation.
Cost: $19
Length: 1 hour/ 12 lectures
Now that you’re in charge, you have the pleasure of doing interviews for potential team members. In case you need a refresher, or have never participated in the job search process from this side of the table, this class will go over how to prepare and conduct yourself in front of candidates.
Cost: $19
Length: 6 hours/ 21 lectures
Meetings! Don’t we all have a love-hate relationship with them? If you’re going to have them, you might as well do them right. And this course will ensure every gathering leads to results.
Cost: Free
Length: 1-2 hours
5. How to Hold Any Meeting in 30 Minutes (or Less!), Skillshare
Speaking of everyone’s least favorite activity, this class will help you keep them short and sweet (and become everyone’s favorite manager).
Cost: $0.99 for first 3 months
Length: 37 minutes/ 8 videos
Not everything you do as a manager is about “managing.” Be the ultimate boss who has everything covered by developing a basic understanding of IT and its role in the business.
Cost: Free
Length: 1-2 hours
7. Effective Communication Skills for Managers, ALISON
Interpersonal skills get everyone far—especially new managers, and that’s why we found the perfect class for you!
Cost: Free
Length: 2-3 hours
8. Coaching Skills for Managers Specialization, Coursera
As a manager, you not only have to lead, but coach people to be their best selves at work. Taught by an executive coach and professor, you’ll learn in this course how to track progress, have meaningful conversations, and set expectations for all of your employees.
Cost: $49 per month
Length: 4 weeks, 2-3 hours a week
9. Introduction to Public Speaking, Coursera
For some new managers, your role means keeping things running smoothly behind the scenes. And for others, it means being the face of your department. So, when you have to give that big presentation in front of the company, you’ll feel good knowing you took this course.
Cost: Free to audit
Length: 5 weeks, 2 hours a week
10. Basics of Leadership: Keeping Employees Energized, LearnSmart
Happy employees are productive, creative, and innovative employees. Which means you have the power to get them pumped up for work every day. Not sure how? Take this class.
Cost: Free with trial
Length: 1 hour/ 96 lessons
And if you’d like a more personalized approach to learning how to be the best boss, you might want to consider working with a coach who specializes in your field or situation.