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Store Manager Salaries near Washington, DC

Average Base Salary


Min: $37KMax: $81K

As a Store Manager in Washington, DC, you have incredible career prospects ahead of you. With the vibrant retail scene in the nation's capital, you'll have the opportunity to work in a variety of industries and build valuable experience in managing a team, running a store, and delivering exceptional customer service. Washington, DC is home to a diverse range of stores, from high-end boutiques to large department stores, giving you the chance to find a store that aligns with your interests and values. The city also offers numerous opportunities for professional growth, with networking events, seminars, and workshops that can help you stay up-to-date with the latest trends in retail and advance your career. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting out, being a Store Manager in Washington, DC is a rewarding and exciting career path.

Store Manager Jobs near Washington, DC