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Marketing Specialist Salaries near New York, NY

Average Base Salary


Min: $48KMax: $160K

New York City is a hub for countless industries, and marketing is no exception. As a Marketing Specialist, there are endless opportunities for growth and development in the Big Apple. With a population of over 8 million people, there is no shortage of potential customers and clients to target. From strategic planning and market research to social media management and advertising campaigns, there is a diverse range of responsibilities in this role. Working as a Marketing Specialist in New York City means being at the forefront of innovation and creativity, and collaborating with some of the brightest minds in the field. Whether you are interested in brand management, digital marketing, or public relations, there is a niche for you in the city that never sleeps. So, if you are looking for a fast-paced and dynamic environment to showcase your marketing skills, the opportunities are endless in New York City.

Marketing Specialist Jobs near New York, NY