Quality Assurance Engineer Salaries near Charlotte, NC
Average Base Salary
If you're looking to start or further your career in tech, you might want to consider becoming a Quality Assurance Engineer in Charlotte, NC. As a Quality Assurance Engineer, you'll play a critical role in ensuring that software and applications are functioning properly and meeting the needs of users. In Charlotte, there are numerous opportunities to work for technology companies of all sizes, from startups to established corporations. Whether you're just starting out or looking to advance your career, working as a Quality Assurance Engineer in Charlotte can offer you a fulfilling and challenging opportunity with room for growth and advancement.
Quality Assurance Engineer Jobs near Charlotte, NC
Senior Audit Manager, Practices- Quality Assurance (Hybrid)
At Capital One - Charlotte, NC + 3 locationsPosted onQuality Assurance Analyst (Spreading and Covenant Compliance)
At Wells Fargo - Charlotte, NCPosted on