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Marketing Manager Salaries near Atlanta, GA

Average Base Salary


Min: $55KMax: $218K

Atlanta, GA is a thriving city with a booming economy, making it an ideal location for Marketing Managers. In this role, professionals are responsible for developing and implementing marketing strategies to promote products and services. Working as a Marketing Manager in Atlanta offers numerous opportunities for growth and advancement. Not only is the city home to a wide range of industries, from technology to hospitality, but it also boasts a strong entrepreneurial community. With access to top-notch resources and a talented pool of marketing professionals, Atlanta provides a supportive environment for Marketing Managers to excel in their careers. Additionally, there are ample networking events and professional organizations that can help individuals expand their professional network and stay up-to-date on industry trends. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting out, Atlanta offers a wealth of opportunities for Marketing Managers wanting to make their mark in the industry.

Marketing Manager Jobs near Atlanta, GA