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Learning Support Teacher Salaries near Atlanta, GA

Average Base Salary


Min: $25KMax: $84K

Atlanta, GA is not only a vibrant city known for its rich history and culture, but it also boasts a thriving education system. For those looking to make a difference in the lives of students with learning difficulties, working as a Learning Support Teacher in Atlanta can be a rewarding and fulfilling career choice. With a strong emphasis on providing individualized support and specialized instruction, these professionals play a crucial role in helping students overcome challenges and achieve their full potential. As a Learning Support Teacher, you'll have the opportunity to collaborate with educators, parents, and outside specialists to develop personalized strategies that meet each student's unique needs. Whether you're passionate about working in a public or private school setting, Atlanta offers a wide range of opportunities for Learning Support Teachers to flourish and make a lasting impact on students' lives. With access to various resources and professional development opportunities, you'll have the support you need to continuously grow and thrive in this field.

Learning Support Teacher Jobs near Atlanta, GA