Our Office

Next-Gen Threats Require Next-Gen Facilities

Starting in 1971 with the establishment of the Hazardous Devices School and followed by the development of the Terrorist Devices Analytic Center, the FBI’s Redstone facility in Huntsville, AL, has grown from the FBI Explosives Center of Excellence to much more. With rapidly changing 21st century threats, FBI Redstone has become a focused growth area for training, data analytics, and cyber intelligence. Now the FBI is expanding its footprint and its workforce with the development of a new campus on Redstone Arsenal, a U.S. Army installation that’s also home to several federal agencies. This is an exciting opportunity for professionals at all stages of their careers to serve the FBI in mission-critical functions.

A Hub for Innovation

FBI Redstone represents the future of the FBI where technology, talent, innovation, and resiliency collide. Every day, FBI employees at Redstone can be found conducting forensic analysis in a lab environment, sorting through data for critical investigations, or monitoring networks from cyberattacks. Geared toward ensuring the FBI stays ahead of evolving threats, FBI personnel at Redstone are at the center of the Bureau’s technological advancements and data analytics which attract, develop, and retain talent. FBI Redstone’s new state-of-the-art facilities include two distinct campuses; each offers forward-leaning capabilities to ensure FBI agents, intelligence analysts, and professional staff have the necessary tools and techniques.

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FBI Redstone

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

4942 Fowler Rd

Redstone Arsenal, AL 35898