Lynn Berger
Lynn has 20+ years working with individuals in career transition and leadership development. She empowers clients to assess their talents, identify their needs and encourages them to accomplish goals.
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More about Lynn
In 20+ years of coaching, Lynn has helped everyone from corporate professionals to creative artists find happiness, balance, and fulfillment at work. Lynn will work with you to identify your talents, set short-and long-term action plans, and keep you focused on your goals. In addition to her private practice, Lynn serves as a career coach for UPenn and Yale and a career expert on national radio and television shows. She holds numerous certifications, such as a National Certified Counselor, Licensed Mental Health Counselor and Certified Career Counselor.
Licensed Mental Health Counselor-New York State; National Certified Counselor-National Board of Certified Counselors; Certified Career Counselor-National Career Development Association
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