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Advice / Succeeding at Work / Break Room

Why Your Morning Coffee is Even More Important Than You Thought

If you’re anything like my co-workers or me, coffee and tea are mandatory in the office. (My order? Iced black tea or iced coffee, with lots of milk, of course.) There’s just something about that boost of caffeine that’s crucial for powering through the day.

The good news? These two kinds of beverages also offer great nutritional and health benefits, like lowering your chance of stroke and boosting your antioxidant intake. As long as you aren’t overloading either with spoonfuls of sugar or half and half, chances are that consuming coffee and tea isn’t such a bad idea after all.

Check out the infographic below to learn about all the ways coffee and tea benefit you—besides that extra jolt of energy!

Infographic courtesy of Greatist. Photo of coffee and tea cup courtesy of Shutterstock.